
Title シミシミ・ロックンロール
Tempo 176 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland SC-88VL Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name simisimi.mid File Size 113,161 Bytes
Time 3:56 Date June,1997

Title Distillation -蒸留のテーマ-
Tempo 67 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland SC-88VL Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name jouryuu.mid File Size 6,426 Bytes
Time 3:35 Date March,1997

Title Crystal Wind - Hollow MiX -
Tempo 135 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland SC-88VL Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name crystal.mid File Size 78,630 Bytes
Time 4:16 Date March,1997

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