MPEG1 Audio Layer 3(MP3)のオンガクデータです。

Title あおいそら - office worker's edit -
Tempo 120 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP 2600+)
Synthesizer SuperQuartet Sequencer Singer Song Writer
File Name blue_sky.spsax.o.w.edit.mp3 File Size 6,856,784 Bytes
Time 4:42 Date May 7th,2006

Title Free as an autumn breeze
Tempo 90 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP 2600+)
Synthesizer KORG M1/ Free VSTi Sequencer Singer Song Writer
File Name free_as_an_autumn_breeze.mp3 File Size 8,208,637 Bytes
Time 5:42 Date Dec.08, 2005

Title See You Again '96
Tempo 125 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP 2600+)
Synthesizer YAMAHA MU50 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name see_you_again_96.mp3 File Size 7,277,006 Bytes
Time 5:04 Date Dec.08, 2005

Title あおいそら - Mamiko Sp.Sax. Edit -
Tempo 120 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP2600+)
Synthesizer SuperQuartet Sequencer SingerSongWriter
File Name blue_sky.spsax.mp3 File Size 6,864,480 Bytes
Time 4:42 Date Jan. 15th , 2004

Title 神様がくれた勇気 -VSTi-
Tempo 142 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP1700+)
Synthesizer JV-30 Sequencer SingerSongWriter
File Name yuuki.vsti.mp3 File Size 5,590,541 Bytes
Time 3:50 Date Nov. 16, 2004

Title あおいそら
Tempo 120 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP 1700+)
Synthesizer KORG M1, VST Synth Sequencer Singer Song Writer
File Name blue_sky.vsti.mp3 File Size 5,670,789 Bytes
Time 4:43 Date July 27th, 2004

Title すぎたじかん
Tempo 106 bpm Computer Crystal, PCG-Z505GR/K
Synthesizer KORG M1 etc. Sequencer Singer Song Writer / Recomposer 95
File Name elapsed_time.mp3 File Size 5,547,282 Bytes
Time 3:49 Date May 13th, 2004

Title 神様がくれた勇気
Tempo 142 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name File Size 3,639,654 Bytes
Time 3:50 Date August 16th, 2000

Title そら
Tempo 120 bpm Computer Crystal (AthlonXP 1700+)
Synthesizer KORG M1&SuperQuartet Sequencer Singer Song Writer / Recomposer 95
File Name sky.mp3 File Size 4,634,459 Bytes
Time 3:12 Date Octorber 11th, 2003

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