
Title 神様がくれた勇気
Tempo 142 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name yuuki.mid File Size 56,847 Bytes
Time 3:50 Date July,1995

Title School Life
Tempo 146 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name school.mid File Size 71,277 Bytes
Time 4:32 Date July,1994

Title 物語の始まり
Tempo 120 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name opening.mid File Size 29,239 Bytes
Time 3:05 Date 1992

Title 笑顔でさよならっ!
Tempo 133 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name egao.mid File Size 80,090 Bytes
Time 4:09 Date March,1994

Title Call
Tempo 133 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name call.mid File Size 84,310 Bytes
Time 5:01 Date April,1995

Title Squall
Tempo 120 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name squall.mid File Size 28,177 Bytes
Time 1:37 Date March,1993

Title 君の勇気
Tempo 151 bpm Computer NEC PC-9821Xs/C8W
Synthesizer Roland JV-30 Sequencer Recomposer98 Ver.2.5
File Name courage.mid File Size 58,651 Bytes
Time 3:20 Date March,1993

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